Real Estate Website Design


Website Design Features;

  • 1 year free domain
  • 1 year free hosting
  • 1 year free SSL


Residence Real Estate Web Site Design

WP Residence is a state-of-the-art WordPress theme that gives you the tools to build an astonishing real estate website for independent agents, agencies or companies. The theme has all the flexibility you need to provide the best user experience. Over 450 neatly organized theme options are included to help you create a unique and modern real estate website.

VP Residence je najsavremenija VordPress tema koja vam daje alate za pravljenje zapanjujuće veb stranice za nekretnine za nezavisne agente, agencije ili kompanije. Tema ima svu fleksibilnost koja vam je potrebna da pruži najbolje korisničko iskustvo. Preko 450 uredno organizovanih opcija tema uključeno je da vam pomognu da napravite jedinstven i moderan veb-sajt za nekretnine.

Services included:

  • 1 year free domain, hosting, SSL and unlimited traffic
  • Admin panel in your language
  • Registration of your company on google maps
  • Opening all social media accounts
  • Corporate email

This website has a payment of 20 euros per month. Why?

  • Maintenance, repair and updates are made every month.
  • The security of your site against attacks is provided by our company.
  • Up-to-date word analysis is made every month, enabling you to rank higher in google and other search engines.
  • Statistic reports of your website are sent to you regularly every month.
  • Your site is updated every month so that your company, services or products reach more audiences. Our goal is for your brand to be at the top of the field you specify.

As Bnr Design, we offer unique and user-friendly web design services to our customers. Whether you own a large company or a small business, we strengthen your brand’s online presence by providing you with tailored web design solutions.

Kao Bnr Design, našim klijentima nudimo jedinstvene usluge veb dizajna prilagođene korisniku. Bilo da ste vlasnik velike kompanije ili malog preduzeća, mi jačamo prisustvo vašeg brenda na mreži pružajući vam prilagođena rešenja za veb dizajn.
Upoznavanjem vas i vašeg biznisa, pravimo dizajn za vaš web sajt po vašoj mjeri, koji će zahvaljujući spoju vizualnog užitka i funkcionalnosti predstaviti djelatnost kojom se bavite na najbolji način.
Pri sve češćoj upotrebi interneta na mobilnim telefonima i tabletima u Crnoj Gori, tu smo da savršeno prilagodimo vaš responsive web dizajn sajta na svim uredjajima i omogućimo pristup uvijek i na svakom mjestu.
Budite u samom vrhu! Radimo najbolju SEO optimizaciju za pretraživače. Mi ne brinemo samo o web dizajnu, već i o tome kako da vaši klijenti što lakše i brže dodju do vašeg web sajta.


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